- Healthwatch can help your hospital save lives and millions of dollars
Product - FAQ's, Product
Highlights, Printable Brochure, & Technical Info.
System Demo - Video demonstrations
of the ease of use of the Healthwatch VOD system. Also - sample Internet
Patient Education videos.
Networking - Healthwatch
can also use PC's to educate your staff.
Company Info - Information
about Healthwatch, Inc. Contact information can be found here as well.
Content - Here is a list of
common content producers, and how you can contact them.
Patient Education
Healthwatch provides an end-to-end solution for all of your
Video-On-Demand needs. Patients can order and watch educational content
on their room TV's by using their bedside phone to access the user-friendly
interface to our video server. Comprehension surveys can also be added to
the end of each video to ensure total patient education. Now your patients
have the ability to view their educational content when they are ready to
do so!
Staff Education
Healthwatch also provides an easy way to keep your staff
up-to-date as well! Any staff member can order any training video in your
library from either a PC workstation or a staff television at their own
convenience. The Healthwatch system can also automatically update staff
educational transcripts, if your hospital owns a staff tracking software
package such as NetLearning.
In-House Satisfaction Surveys
Wouldn't it be nice if your hospital had an easy way of
identifying dissatisfied patients before they left the hospital? With
Healthwatch's Satisfaction Survey option, not only would your hospital
be able to recognize these patients, but it would also have the opportunity
to correct what is making them unhappy before they get to fill out a Press-Gainey